A busy first few months of 2021 marked the start of a new chapter for us here at the Foundation; in 2021, we are getting back to full speed to make up for the lost time due to the pandemic. What an exciting year for us as we have a line-up of new plans, strategies, activities and programs.
Top 4 Traditional Kiabunese Dishes to Try

If you are visiting Kiabu Village and wondering what to eat there, here are the four traditional foods that are loved by the local community and true culinary delights:
In Kiabu Village, A New Adventure Awaits

It’s only been a month since I received the news that I got the job as the Marine Conservation Program Assistant at the foundation, thus beginning a new chapter in my career at a new place that is thousands of kilometers away from my hometown in Bogor.
What to Know About Three Tropical Marine Ecosystems in Anambas Islands

Anambas Islands Regency is known as a tropical paradise due to its remarkable marine biodiversity. One primary biodiversity type in this region is the ecological diversity consisting of three tropical marine ecosystems: coral reefs, mangrove and seagrass.
7 Scientific Facts You May Not Know About Corals

What are corals? You see them in tropical ocean waters, they come in may shapes and forms, they are colorful and home to about 25 percent of all marine creatures.
Microplastics: Invisible Threat to Ocean and Humans

By definition microplastics are plastic fragments that are less than 5mm in size and hard to detect with the naked eye.
This Telaga Farmer Has Been Growing Banana Trees. But Now, He’s Diversifying His Produce with Organic Crops

Zairul has been working as a traditional farmer in Telaga Village for 16 years. He is one of the few people in the village who choose this profession where the rest of community opt to become fishermen instead.
Interesting Facts About Sea Urchins You Should Know

Sea urchins are classified as Phylum echinodermata and they are close relatives of starfish and sea cucumber.
A Teacher’s Tale: Art Teacher’s Journey as BAF Volunteer

In 2018 BAF volunteer Alanna Berman was visiting Bawah Reserve when she saw a presentation about the foundation, which at that time was newly established.