Mangroves Ecoprint Initiative Empowers Village Women in Anambas

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Mangroves Ecoprint Initiative Empowers Village Women in Anambas

In 2023, during our brainstorming sessions for breakthroughs in 2024, our Marine Conservation and Community Development teams proposed an intriguing initiative known as Mangroves Ecoprint. This initiative aimed to empower village women in Anambas by utilizing mangroves, which offer numerous environmental and economic benefits, including the production of natural dyes ranging from dark red to brownish hues extracted from their bark.

The goal was to teach women in Anambas how to upcycle donated bed linens from hotels and private sectors into attractive tote bags and pouches using these natural dyes.

In February, the initiative launched with its inaugural training session on mangrove Batik Cual and ecoprint techniques in Teluk Siantan (Air Nangak) Village. Teluk Siantan was chosen for its thriving mangrove ecosystem, and local fashion brand Betuah Ethnic partnered with us, sending trainers to teach nine participants. The training focused on how to create Batik Cual, a signature batik pattern of the Anambas Islands, and ecoprint textile.

The intensive four-day training session included participation from government agencies such as LKKPN Pekanbaru, Anambas Tourism and Culture Agency, Anambas Industry and Trade Services, and Danish group tour organization Højskoleøen, who observed our progress.

In addition to practical skills, participants gained insights into mangrove conservation and marketing strategies. The training culminated in a professional photoshoot session with the village women, creating a portfolio to showcase their products in future marketing efforts.

Following the successful pilot, we are expanding the Mangroves Ecoprint initiative to Siantan Bay. Future ecoprint textile from this area will be sent to Kiabu Village, where village women will transform them into tote bags and pouches, further empowering the community through sustainable practices and creative entrepreneurship.